The 10000 ton rare earth projects of Zhongxi Tianma and Nanxi Jinshi have been started—— Launching ceremony of centralized commencement of major projects of new and old kinetic energy conversion in Liangshan County in 2020


On the morning of April 16, the fourth centralized commencement ceremony of the first batch of major projects in Liangshan County in 2020 was held at the site of Zhongxi Tianma project. County head Yang Lixin, deputy county head Wang Qingming and other main leaders of the county, Mr. Lin Ping, chairman of Zhongxi Tianma, and Mr. Zhang Junquan, general manager of Shandong Nancy Jinshi attended the ceremony, which was presided over by deputy county head Chen Xiusheng.

The second phase of the 10000 t / a Nd-Fe-B waste recycling and comprehensive utilization and academician workstation construction project of Zhongxi Tianma New Material Technology Co., Ltd. has a total investment of 360 million yuan, covering a total area of 42624 square meters (about 64 mu) and a total construction area of 11468 square meters.

The project adopts full-automatic control, with high technical content and high added value. The product production process is at the forefront of the industry. It has broad domestic and international markets and good market prospects, which is in line with the national development idea of waste metal recycling and treatment. The project was selected as the first batch of preferred projects for major projects of new and old kinetic energy conversion in Shandong Province in 2020. After the project is put into operation, the production capacity of Zhongxi Tianma will be expanded to 20000 tons, ranking as the leading enterprise in the comprehensive recycling of NdFeB waste in China.

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