Jia Zhifu, Secretary of Liangshan county Party committee, and his party visited the site of Zhongxi Tianma phase II project to inspect and guide the work


On the morning of April 21, Jia Zhifu, Secretary of Liangshan county Party committee, and his party visited the Zhongxi Tianma phase II project for on-site inspection and guidance.

Secretary Jia and his party went deep into the new extraction workshop of phase II, carefully inspected the workshop site and listened to the report of Mr. Lin Ping, chairman of Zhongxi Tianma, on the progress of phase II project. Secretary Jia affirmed the efforts made by Zhongxi Tianma in the project construction and stressed that Zhongxi Tianma should take the opportunity of new project construction and operation to further innovate scientific and technological research and development, optimize production process, realize enterprise transformation and upgrading, and make greater contributions to the development of the county's economic and social undertakings. At the same time, Secretary Jia asked all relevant units to do a good job in assisting the promotion of Zhongxi Tianma phase II project, further strengthen the communication and exchange between various departments, and provide strong support in the promotion of key projects.

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