Lin Hongyu, mayor of Jining City, and his delegation visited Zhongxi Tianma


On June 16, 2020, the scorching June ushered in a rare drizzle. Accompanied by Liangshan county magistrate Yang Lixin, Lin Hongyu, mayor of Jining, visited Zhongxi Tianma. Lin Ping, chairman of the board of directors and sun Minghua, general manager of the company gave a warm reception. The leading group went deep into the production line, and Chairman Lin Ping gave a detailed explanation and report to the leaders on the current production and development of the company.

Mayor Lin Hongyu praised the production and operation concept of Zhongxi Tianma and placed high hopes on the future development prospect of Zhongxi Tianma. He hoped that Zhongxi Tianma could continue to develop and strengthen, enhance the strength of the enterprise, become the leading benchmark of the industry and make greater contributions to the economic development of our city.

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