The output of Zhongxi Tianma exceeded 450 tons in November, reaching a new high!


With the breeze blowing, the branches and leaves are golden. In November, there are many fruits. In the company, all employees unite to overcome difficulties, and greatly improve the output by strengthening production organization, improving product quality and stabilizing equipment operation. In November, the monthly output of Zhongxi Tianma reached a record high! It marks that the company's production and operation has stepped to a new level. This is undoubtedly exciting and good news for the company. Everyone has a happy and gratifying smile "we did it".

Here, the company expresses warm congratulations to all employees and cordial condolences to all employees struggling in the production line. It is hoped that all employees will make concerted efforts and work hard, continue to carry forward the spirit of hard work, hard work and rolling up their sleeves, and jointly complete the company's production and operation tasks throughout the year!

To this end, the leaders of the company carefully selected a down charge jacket for everyone to send you a warm in this cold winter! It is hoped that all employees can carry forward the spirit of continuous operation and tenacious struggle, base themselves on a new starting point, aim at new goals, take new measures, make new achievements, and make greater contributions to the expansion, strength and rapid development of Zhongxi Tianma.

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